Pros and Cons of On-Site Data Storage

Modern businesses often have large amounts of data to process, store, organize, and more. However, it is important to be able to keep all this data secure, so that it is not compromised. Depending on the type of data a business deals with, the stakes can vary; but it is always a good idea to ensure data is protected where it is stored.

There are two ways to securely store data: on-site or in the cloud.

The pros and cons of on-site data storage:


There are several benefits to on-site storage, so here is a list of the pros that you can take advantage of for your data:

On-site storage tends to be very low latency, and performs very well due to being connected directly to your organization’s network. If you need to transfer and access your data very quickly, an on-site storage plan is something to consider.

Another pro to utilizing an on-site storage strategy is that it puts security in your hands. All of your data is exclusively on your property and network, so you have all the power to implement as much security as you need/want.

Generally, all you need for on-site data storage is enough hard drives with the space you require. Fortunately, hard drives are very easy to install, and often include software that can be used for your specific needs.

By storing all your data on-site, you don’t have to worry about paying a third party for storage and security. Instead, you can make quick, one-time purchases of the hard drives and software you want, and simply handle the storage on your own without periodic rental payments.

Bonus Pro
There are few things that can grind operations to a halt faster than when the internet goes down. However, if you have an on-site storage system for your data, you can access what you need regardless of a working internet connection.


Everything has pros as well as cons, and on-site data storage is no exception. Here are a few cons to consider as you make your decision:

IT Costs
Without an established on-site IT protocol or professional, keeping up with the maintenance, deployment, adjustments, and life cycle of on-site data storage can be difficult. IT support isn’t free, so if you don’t already have a dedicated department, you may need to add one into your business budget.

Depending on how sensitive your data is, it may not be a good idea to store it in hard drives on-site. Doing this makes it easy for disgruntled or unscrupulous employees to simply access and steal the hard drives themselves, and do whatever they want with the data. It also puts your data at risk in any catastrophic event such as fire or weather phenomena.

If you are running a small business, you may not have the physical space to dedicate to an on-site data storage center. Hard drives and extra computers and other hardware you might need may not be feasible to put anywhere in your building, so cloud-based data storage may be a better option.

Every business’s needs are different, and data has many levels of sensitivity; so be sure to research further into how best to store the data for your business, and keep these pros and cons in mind. Contact us if you have any questions, and we would be happy to help you make the right data storage choice for your business.

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