The Importance of Cloud Monitoring

With over 90% of businesses using cloud services, the monitoring and security of these services are vital for success. If your business uses cloud services, and you’re not sure why you should be monitoring your cloud, keep reading to learn more. 

What is Cloud Monitoring?

The cloud is essentially where all your data and processes are stored, shared, downloaded, etc. Depending on the type of business and cloud you have, there will be several different types of metrics you’re going to want to monitor. However, no matter what kind of cloud or business you use it for, monitoring is very important for security and performance purposes. 

What Are The Different Types of Clouds?

There are three different types of cloud environments, and each one has its own pros, cons, and architecture to work with:

Private Clouds

This is the easiest cloud environment to monitor because you would have direct access to all of your systems and software on-site. This makes it easy to perform any fixes and pivot quickly around any infrastructure issues. 

Public Clouds

In a public cloud, you need to monitor your business’s interactions with it and think about the metrics involved with user experience. In this type of cloud environment, you won’t have the same visibility and control as with a private cloud, but monitoring it is much more important. 

Hybrid Clouds

Hybrid clouds are the most customizable but also require the most work and organizational skills. If you’re working with a hybrid cloud, it’s essential to know exactly who you want to have access to each specific thing. While hybrid clouds can be difficult to navigate, they offer the most flexibility that many businesses need. 

What Does Cloud Monitoring Actually Monitor?

Once you know the type of cloud that you want or are working with, it’s time to consider what types of metrics you would like to monitor. The options are varied, but here are a few to keep in mind:

Data Flow

Cloud monitoring is an efficient way to deal with large amounts of data. This is especially useful if you have several different locations to keep track of. It’s also a great way to ensure that you correctly back up your data in an emergency.


Cloud monitoring is one of the best ways to create another layer of cyber security for your business. It can monitor and alert you to issues with your network, website, virtual machines, security policies, data endpoints, and much more. 

Quality Control

This benefit of cloud monitoring is significant if your business’s patrons are relying on your cloud. With cloud monitoring services, you can be alerted to any issues in real-time. This will allow you to act quickly and get your customers back to the experience you want them to have.


Keeping track of storage is vital if you are dealing with very large volumes of data. A cloud monitoring service will allow you to see the space you have available, and how you can efficiently create more storage. Consolidation and organization are key, and cloud monitoring can give you the overview you need to do both.

As you can see, cloud monitoring has infinite uses and benefits depending on what you need to use it for. So if you’ve been on the fence about whether it would be a good investment for your business, don’t wait! Take advantage of cloud monitoring services for your business today.


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